Tag: google

  • Fact Check – Mass Animal Deaths

    Not to get ahead of ourselves with the last video about our species, here is a look at all the mass animal deaths placed on Google Maps with linked articles that have happened at the start of our New Year. Ominous? You tell me. Definitely check this out.

  • Pimp That Site – Google Search Stories

    So you may have seen some of Google’s Search Stories ads in recent television. Well now they allow you to create your own here. Best one I’ve seen so far.

  • Where is Chuck Norris?

    Have you caught yourself wondering this lately? What has happened to Chuck Norris? Maybe you have, maybe you haven’t. Well there is a clear answer. Go to Google and type in “Where is Chuck Norris?” DON’T click Search or press Enter, click the “Feeling Lucky” button.

  • Role Models – What is a browser?

    My buddy Brit showed me this. IT people tend to question the sanity and intelligence of their users. Not always to be condescending, although that is usually the true intent, but in times to figure out how the user’s mind works. Sometimes users are just not understanding. Sometimes they assume they know what you are…

  • Google part duex

    It’s interesting to see what people search for and what people expect the internet to know.  I am a little astounded by the fourth entry though. That’s a popular search?! That makes me really want to change my pen name to “this popular guy”. Oh yeah baby. You keep searching. I’m ready for you. There…

  • Google? For you?

    I will finish the second part to the previous post still, but this was too interesting not to post. So I got wind that Google Chrome OS is in development. As I don’t read the geekiest online resources these days, this might be old news for some. But I heard it today so I’m posting…