Tag: favs
Tasty Jams – I Feel Better by Hot Chip
I really can’t justify the music or the slow start of this video, but it has a fat black man’s head killing people at the end. Nuf said. EDIT: Looks like Hot Chip doesn’t like their video being embedded. Check it out at the Youtube link here.
Can you handle the Bad Ass?
Two bad ass pictures today. Two of our founding fathers defending all that is right in the world, each against their own deadly hunter. Feel bad ass yet? Via here and here.
Living Paintings
A recent painting by a wonderful artist named Alexa Meade created this and many other masterpieces. I want you to look long and hard at this picture and really appreciate the life she brings to her paintings. Now I want you to check past the jump.
Out of a Forest
This is a wonderful stop-motion video done by a german guy shot in the woods in Denmark. I can only imagine how pain-staking slow it must have been creating this, but the effect is wonderful. It’s set to “Slow Slow” by the Nationals and based upon Victorian literature. Mind the disclaimer at the beginning.
Role Models – Most Badass Cockatiel
I’ve never really considered cockatiels anything more than bad-tasting chicken, despite my mother’s affection towards her cockatiel. However, anyone who can teach an animal to do this is automatically awesome and the animal itself should be given a Noble peace prize.
Tasty Jams – "70 Million" by Hold Your Horses
Hadn’t heard of Hold Your Horses! until I saw this video and I was taken aback by it. The video revolves around playfully recreating many famous paintings throughout history. The band is a Franco-American group consisting of eight individuals and describe themselves as bluegrass. 70 Million by Hold Your Horses ! from L’Ogre on Vimeo.
Tilt-Shift New York in Spring
In recent years, tilt-shift camera operation has become a more common practice. It is very interesting to me because of the scaling it does. When I grew up, I used to watch movies and I would watch the way objects moved. Based upon the acceleration and scaling, I could pretty easily figure out what was…
Role Models – Steve Martin
Pimp That Site – F&*( Windows
The URL is NSFW if you are one of those anti-cursing people, but man is it a clever site. I don’t want to spoil it. Full screen your browser. Go here. Resize as necessary.
Trashed Idea – Vajazzle
So this sort of became popular after Jennifer Love Hewitt went on the Lopez Show talking about this, and it’s since become a bit of a myth. People searched for the opportunity to partake in this spectacle, but most returned empty handed, as the treatment seems to be very unique to more Hollywood-esque venues. A…
Trashed Idea – Shave a baby!
Can you shave the baby? YOU CAN SHAVE THE BABY! I don’t know which oriental group this is from, but I am impressed that they chose red heads for this experiment. Gingers do have souls, after all.
Your WTF for the day – Too Late to Apologize: A Declaration
Since I’ve already made one historical post, why not two? I’ll admit, I was chuckling along through most of this video. I can’t say I expected something like this from the interwebs.
Massive Attack – Splitting the Atom
Now I’m not the biggest Massive Attack fan. I think they have made some good music, and while I have never been that enthralled by that genre of music, I always knew they were a little stranger than most. This video is a perfect example of that. It’s a good combination of slow and minimal…
Normally I wouldn’t post any of these infographs, as they are obnoxious. As a person who understands graphic design and enjoys random bits of trivia, you would think I would like them, but I always walk away feeling like my brain should have just absorbed some useful information and in the end I always walk…
Tasty Jams – The Muppets
This may seem kind of strange, seeing the Muppets listed under Tasty Jams, but then again it’s the Muppets and you’re probably all like, “Dude that’s so retro lol”. In any case, the Muppets have done some wonderfully creative musical numbers since Jim has passed. While I can’t attest to their regular material anymore, I…