Tag: animation
Animation – 1st Person Goomba
This concept has been touched on a few times in the gaming community but this animation takes the cake. Follow the life of a Goomba through his childhood and marriage all the way to that fated day he meets the mustachioed menace.
Animation – Digital Zelda
A single-take digital animation paying homage to the Hero of Time Link and his favorite pastime, saving Zelda. Even though this is designed on mostly Macs, it’s still pretty spiffy.
Animation – Rome “Two Against One”
What happens when you mix Danger Mouse, Jack White, Norah Jones and an awesome animation? You get Rome’s “Two Against One”. I loved this video. Rome – Two Against One from Chris Milk on Vimeo.
3D – Surpr!se by Aiur
The music is above average but I love the animation that goes with it. The abstract artistic rendering is hypnotizing.
Animation – TiJi
A French animation about how animals were given color and why pandas are black and white.
Animation – PencilHead
Amazing animation capturing great characters and sets from animations across our generation. Very fun to watch. PencilHead from qwaqa on Vimeo.
Animation – Danger Planet
A wonderful and simple 3D animation that tells the tale of two planetary scouts that meet each other one day. Danger Planet from Justin Burks on Vimeo.
Animation – Trains-formers
Nathan shared this wonderful animation with me. What happens when you mix Thomas the Train with Transformers? Something way better than the new Transformers movies.
Animation – Snack Bar Hell
Never has going to the concession stand seemed to creepy. Give it a minute to get going. MK12 | Follow the Sun | 2011 from MK12 on Vimeo.
Tasty Jams – “It’s Only Love” by The Maccabees
A cute fan-made stop motion video for the Maccabee’s song, “It’s Only Love”. The video is a bit emo but still enjoyable.
Art – Umbra
An abstract animation by Malcolm Sutherland that tells the tale of a traveler visiting a place somewhat familiar to him. Thanks to Jamie for the find. Umbra (HD – 2010) from Malcolm Sutherland on Vimeo.