Category: The Unaware
Role Model – Chicken Fiddler
She fiddles, she clucks, she stares into your soul at the end. What’s not to love?
Role Model – Ella Ellegard
I don’t know what she is saying but I totally agree.
Role Models – Cybergoth Dance Party
I’ll admit, cybergoths amuse me. This pretty much feeds into every stereotype I know of them, and they are doing it all on their own.
Role Models – Wal-Mart Wedding
Nothing says classy like winning a contest to have your wedding at a Wal-Mart. I love the woman who decided she was going to keep her routine and use the scooter.
Your WTF for the day – Dancing Man Baby
This is disturbingly mesmerizing.
Fact Check – Drunkest man ever
This guy blows a .40 on a breathalyzer. Top that.
Role Model – CrunkCoCo
There are some songs that just make you have to dance when you hear them. Then there are some that make you put your underwear on your head and shake around violently. This would be the latter.
Your WTF for the day – Mr. Blow Up
Another one of those individuals that really blows your mind for their obsession. Believe it or not, he’s married.
Your WTF for the day – Hand Model obsession
Seinfield had an episode where George was made a hand model. This was the only insight I’ve ever had into the world of hand modeling until now. I always thought George was neurotic but this woman takes the cake (but not with her hands).
Role Models – Frog Man
Is it just me or does this guy look like Pee Wee Herman? From the French “Who’s got talent?”
Role Model – Sequin Shopper
What starts out as a fluff story about shopaholics turns hilarious thanks to a gentleman’s enthusiasm. The best part is his immediate reaction.