Category: Rant

  • Your WTF for the day – Ren and Stimpy “These dirty hands”

    Another one of those “can’t be made today” videos. But also why was it made in the first place?

  • Coming to an end

    Trashed Ideas will be closing shop June 6th. Mainly because I’m too cheap to renew web-hosting, and also because while I do catch an awesome video that I share every now and then, the traffic has been dying down and and I don’t put as much time into this as I would like in order…

  • Rant – Best Rant of 2012

    This man was upset about being harassed by a police officer for using colorful language in a park. I’m not condoning what he did but his rant to Mark Sidrine (spelling?), the arresting officer, is inspiring and surprisingly safe for work.

  • Your WTF for the day – Wheelclamped (NSFW)

    Phil Zimmerman is known for making weird videos. I’ve posted one of his previously though I haven’t the heart to force you to watch more than one of his videos at a time so I won’t link it. But this video… I don’t know how to describe it honestly. It’s got bad music in the…

  • Pimp That Site – VHEMT

    If you know me you may have heard me mention Total Human Genocide once or twice. In the spirit of this almost religious mantra, a group has recently gotten together to push this agenda. Thanks to Brit for the find. The slogan from the website: Phasing out the human race by voluntarily ceasing to breed…

  • Too Much Time – Nerd angry at Blizzard

    This guy does little to show the sofistication and development of nerds as something more than the lisping stereotype from the 70s. Skip to 3 minutes if you can’t sit through all of it.

  • We’re baaaack

    After a few months of hiatus I’ve taken upon myself to restart the website. My dedication to the absurd will be lessened, which I hope will allow me to keep the inspiration to post the oddities I do find.

  • We were hacked!.. Momentarily

    Some of you may have noticed that the site was hacked by a mister The Mast3r. Not sure how he got in but rest assured his half-bit attempts at destroying the site were in vain. He removed the entire WordPress Structure and pretty much everything remaining of the site, so I had to do a…

  • Your WTF for the day – Sharecropping Field Trip

    Southern elementary field trips just aren’t the same these days. In the 4th grade all I got to do was go to a field at night and burn some big T while men chanted in white robes…Wait a minute.

  • Apologies for the absence

    I took an unplanned week off from Trashed due to things backing up in my personal life but things have finally calmed down again and I hope to have posts going regularly again.

  • Role Model – George Carlin

    An articulate lesson from the late George Carlin on how he “gave up on my species”.

  • Another slow week

    The Holidays are a busy time for all and while I’m sure you just can’t get enough Trash throughout the year, I’m going to be traveling a bit over the next week so posts are going to be scarce. Do enjoy your Holiday season.

  • Fact Check – Woman owns the sun

    Not that I think there is much validity to her claim, I admire her candore. After billions of years the Sun finally has an owner — a woman from Spain’s soggy region of Galicia said Friday she had registered the star at a local notary public as being her property. Angeles Duran, 49, told the…

  • Going to be slow next week

    I’m flying out to Colorado next week on business. I am hoping to have some stuff scheduled for posting next week but don’t be surprised if the site seems dead for a week or so.

  • Bonkers

    Soooo the current hosting company I am using is utter crap. They have not only broken my FTP link ability to the site, they also took it down for quite a few hours yesterday. I opened a ticket with them and haven’t heard back yet, and when I went to check on the ticket, they…