Category: Poo!
Your WTF for the day – Holiday Music
Apparently this company wants to emphasize they can make anything sound good. I believe this is a metaphor for Katy Perry. Also there is poo involved.
Too Much Time – Rainbow Poo-san Sing-a-long
I don’t get the point of this. Apparently poo needed a mascot and it needed to be multi-colored. Umm…
Trashed Idea – Mushroom Death Suit
Take a look at the picture. Just linger on it a minute. Just for a sec. Then read this: The Mushroom Death Suit by artist Jae Rhim Lee is a body suit laced with flesh-eating mushroom spores that is designed to help a dead body decompose naturally. Lee has been “training” the mushrooms to consume…
Fact Check – Comcast rated Worst Company in America
And they got a neat trophy turd with the title. This was rated by The Consumerist. You can read more here.
Your WTF for the day – Sagazon du Chaos
Modern art has always been known for it’s outlandish and eccentric nature. I have to ask though, why isn’t this man in a mental ward? It’s rather long and I just skipped around so I don’t blame you if you don’t watch the whole video.
Your WTF for the day – Dog Poo Flower
Someone claimed this is Korean with American dubs, and I wondered at one point whether the dubs were overlaid by someone to put it in a different context, but such is not the case. It follows the tails of a worthless dog poo and it’s discovery of it’s greater purpose in life. Quite moving.
Trashed Idea – Fanny Floss
These are real and can be purchased here for $5.
Role Model – Poo Tattoo
Poo Tattoo!