Category: 3D
Tasty Jams – Goodbye Forever (NSFWish)
Animation – Tea Break
Role Models – Competing to make the most satisfying CGI
Feel free to watch the whole thing if you’d like but the real magic is at at the 10:21 mark.
Animation – 1st Person Goomba
This concept has been touched on a few times in the gaming community but this animation takes the cake. Follow the life of a Goomba through his childhood and marriage all the way to that fated day he meets the mustachioed menace.
3D – Loom
Spiders are creepy to me. 3D in-your-face terrifying spiders are even worse. It gets kind of abstract toward the end but this video is not for anyone who is already scared of arachnids. Loom from Polynoid on Vimeo.
Animation – Rome “Two Against One”
What happens when you mix Danger Mouse, Jack White, Norah Jones and an awesome animation? You get Rome’s “Two Against One”. I loved this video. Rome – Two Against One from Chris Milk on Vimeo.
3D – Surpr!se by Aiur
The music is above average but I love the animation that goes with it. The abstract artistic rendering is hypnotizing.
Animation – Pincel de Zorro
Pincel de Zorro (English) from Hug Codinach on Vimeo. Beautiful artwork brought to life in 3D. Love this kind of art.
Tasty Jams – CGI Shatner “Bohemian Rhapsody”
Apparently as a promotion for his new album, William Shatner released this video to go with his interpretation of Queen’s classic.
Animation – Danger Planet
A wonderful and simple 3D animation that tells the tale of two planetary scouts that meet each other one day. Danger Planet from Justin Burks on Vimeo.
3D – Overtime
While I think this is a heart-warming if not creepy tribute to Jim Henson, I’m not sure how I feel about the medium. Jim Henson was the puppet master and brought all of his creations to life without the use of CG. So a 3D short paying tribute to him is like paying tribute to…
Web Short – Rotting Hill
Rotting Hill is a zombie love story done by students at a school for the arts. Quite amazing. Rotting Hill from Media Design School on Vimeo.