Category: Adorable
Role Model – Jamming with the doggo
Parody – Björk at wjörk – Barista
Tasty Jams – A song about Bread
This kind of video is what this site is all about.
Animation – 1st Person Goomba
This concept has been touched on a few times in the gaming community but this animation takes the cake. Follow the life of a Goomba through his childhood and marriage all the way to that fated day he meets the mustachioed menace.
Fact Check – Facts about baby echidnas (NSFW-ish)
Most of us have heard or seen an echidna, but there is still so much mystery behind these noble creatures and no time in their life is more revealing than as a baby. I’m pretty sure all of this is based on science. NSFW for cursing.
Your Aww for the day – Bulldog vs Sleep
Going down for the count.
Role Model – 1981 Olympic Athlete Paul Hunt
It takes a whole lotta courage and a whole lotta balls to do what this guy does. How he managed to fit all of it into that unitard is beyond me.
WTF for the day – Safe Sex for Seniors
Role Model – George Takei’s Happy Dance
George Takei is awesome. Normally I wouldn’t make you listen to LMAO for any reason but I mean come on. It’s George Takei doing a happy dance. Plus, he’s sexy and he knows it.